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Research Paper Background:

What are the aspects of music business, and how have they changed?


A necessary part of any musicians career is decided how they want to be represented. In the past musicians where left with only one option, being a big recording company. Now however they can choose an independent company or even to represent themselves. Both paths come with there obstacles. 

Production and Distribution: 

Another obvious part of every musicians career is of course choosing how they wish to see/share their music. Prior to our current age of technology the musicians only sold their music in the physical, on records, cassettes or CD's. While in a small part these forms are still in use today, now the majority of music is sold online.


The last piece of a musicians career lies in their image and their fans. Without a fan base and a unique persona an artist is likely to go nowhere. In the past musicians only needed to keep up with fans and their image in person but considering the vast digital world of today performers have the entirety of the internet to keep up with. 

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