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Goal #1:

Create the lyrics 

Goal #2:

Come up with a melody

Goal #3:

Add instruments

Goal #4:

Record and Edit

Goal #5:


Music video 

Goal #6:

Edit the Video

Project Timeline:

My Overall Goal

Create a fully formed song and accompanying music video.





My first step with this project was to create lyrics to work off of. While I believed this would be the least of my worries it turned out to be a very long and difficult process of revisions and rewrites, above are three different version of my song as it has progressed the one on the far right is the final draft of the song.

The second step in my project was putting a tune to the lyrics I had written, this was slightly easier than writing the lyrics because I already had the general idea of the songs sound as I was writing the words. Above is a screenshot of my garage band file as I was working through the vocals.

The next step I had to take was adding instruments to the lyrics and melody I had created, this is an area where I received some help from my mentor because I am new to writing guitar tab and choosing chords that support vocals in the way I desired.

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For a detailed description of fieldwork, click here:

The next step in the process was going into the recording studio. I worked with a family friend named Howard Evans. Howard is a professional in the field and is currently in the early stages of going on tour after the release of his new album. He is a drummer by trade but is very experienced in recording. He has a home studio which I was able to utilize, and he also volunteer to sing a bit of male harmony in my song as well as lay down some drums.


Following/during the recording process I was working on creating a concept and story board for the music video I would be shooting after the song was complete. Above is an example of part of the story boards which I was creating.


After the story boards were complete I began recording the video. This was a long and difficult process that required a lot of careful planning and scheduling.


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